Commercial Services  / Childcare Cleaning

Professional Child Care Cleaning Service in Washington DC Metropolitan area

To keep your children safe from diseases, it is essential to keep all the areas in your child care centre fully clean. For that, you need to call in the professionals having the necessary experience in the field. But since you are at ALL DEEP CLEANING website, you don’t need to search anymore as we offer child care cleaning services in all the Washington DC Metropolitan Area.

Hiring our child care cleaning services is one of the best ways to keep the childcare environment as clean and orderly as possible. This ensures that the kids are healthy and safe from any form of sickness, dangers, and accidents.

One of the essential steps in minimizing the number of germs and the spread of disease is through cleaning the surfaces as thoroughly as possible. Surfaces get easily contaminated and children are more likely to have close contact with them. So, our cleaners clean the surfaces thoroughly using solutions that are eco-friendly and hence safe for children.

Then, even if they place their things on these surfaces, such as toys, food, and even their hands, the chances of contracting diseases is much lower. Also, kids are most likely to put anything in their mouths and that’s why it’s crucial to keep the areas as clean as possible.

Although regular cleaning can eliminate some dirt and dust, this doesn’t mean that everything has been sanitized and free of germs. This is where child care cleaning services become ideal. These professionals know what should be done to keep the environment free from germs and viruses.

Commercial Services / Childcare Cleaning

What We Clean

In our ALL DEEP CLEANING childcare cleaning service, we clean all areas that include:

✅  Toys and Equipment
Our cleaners will clean the toys and other equipment with brushes, vacuum cleaners and child-friendly cleaning solutions. Also, they will make sure that they are free of dirt or dust since they can make children sick.

✅  Playing Rooms
To remove dirt and dust from the children’s playing rooms in the centre; our cleaners will use high-end vacuum cleaners. With that, they will also stains and grease that can be potentially harmful to the children.

✅  Curtains or Blinds
Our cleaners will thoroughly vacuum the curtains and blinds to remove the dirt and dust. If necessary, they will also steam clean them.

✅  Carpets
The cleaners will steam clean the carpets to remove the particles that can cause diseases. Moreover, steam cleaning will also remove stains and odors from the carpets.

✅  Toilets
Since children are more vulnerable to disease-causing germs and bacteria, our cleaners will clean the toilets comprehensively using eco-friendly solutions.

Book Our Childcare Cleaners Today


More Information

Commercial Services


A clean office provides a pleasant environment for staff and clients. 


Keeping the child care environment clean is one of the best ways
to help ensure that children stay healthy.


We pride ourselves on providing a professional service to commercial workplaces
throughout Washington DC, Maryland & Virginia.


We can extend the life of your floors while leaving them
clean and bright after our deep cleaning process.


Preventative cleaning maintenance, and restorative cleaning services
to keep your professional workspace at the top of the notch.


It is important to make sure the first impression is a positive one.

Licensed, Bonded and Insured

For over 12 years, customers have welcomed the trusted cleaning professionals from locally owned and operated ALL Deep Cleaning businesses into their homes. We follow cleaning processes and procedures that are designed to help create a cleaner and healthier environment for you and your family. Today, more than ever, we want to reassure you that our teams strictly adhere to CDC sanitization guidelines.  Our professional-grade product line up includes cleaners that meet the EPA's criteria for use against the Coronavirus, as well as other germs that may be lurking in your home. 

  • Expertise, professional approach and experience.
  • Industry widely tested techniques and cleaning methods.
  • Top of the range equipment and branded cleaning materials & accessories.
  • Environmentally friendly cleaning products, which have been tested for their child and pet safety.
  • Reasonable rates & obligation free quotes.
Need help
  • Monday – Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Our P.O. BOX

PO Box 4583, Manassas, VA 20108

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